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Lead Contamination In America’s Water Reveals Elite’s Depopulation Agenda

42 out of the 50 states in America have a lead contamination problem with their drinking water – revealing the elite’s plans to depopulate the country via systematically poisoning citizens through the deadly water they drink.  The chart below shows a breakdown of lead in the water from all 50 states. Lead poisoning, it seems, is an epidemic across America. If you live in Nevada, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,Tennessee, South Dakota, Hawaii and Kentucky have water that safe to drink. How long has the Obama administration known about this? Some of the American people will reason that they will only drink bottled water. Not so fast, in many cases, bottled water is worse for you that drinking tap water. In many cases, bottled water is tap water, recycled water. It is proven the PH levels are making you sick and keeping you sick. please watch and share so everyone can see these shocking results. Citizens in 42 states are systematically being positioned and set up to contract cancer, diabetes and any other number of life-threatening health conditions. Forget the EPA, FDC and CDC, they are not your friend. They are not protecting us from this scourge of poison water that we [...]