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Looking For A Job? The Queen Needs A New Helicopter Pilot

The Queen is looking for a helicopter pilot, even though most of her family are qualified to fly one. The job of ‘aircraft captain’ for the Queen is being advertised on the British Monarchy website. The applicant must have experience with Very Very Important People (VVIPs) and offers a salary of between £55,500 and £78,500. The advertisement indicates that both Sikorsky and Westmoreland helicopters will be used, and that job satisfaction will be high. The Mirror reports: The salary is twice that Prince William is getting paid as he guides his ambulance chopper on mercy missions. The Royal Family is full of helicopter pilots. Prince William was a search and rescue pilot at RAF Valley in Wales – before starting his new job last year as a pilot with the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Fellow Royal helicopter pilot Prince Harry flew Apaches with the Army Air Corps and Prince Andrew flew helicopters with distinction in the Falklands. Prince Charles also qualified as a helicopter pilot at RNAS Yeovilton in 1974 while Prince Philip is also a qualified pilot, earning his RAF wings in 1953, his helicopter wings in 1956 as well as his private pilot’s license in 1959. Now the [...]