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Los Angeles Father Charged With Killing Son For Being Gay

A father from Los Angeles has been charged with killing his child for being gay. NBC News reports: Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, was arrested Tuesday after police responding to 911 calls at the family’s home discovered the body of Issa’s wife and his 29-year-old son, Amir Issa.  The felony complaint includes a special allegation that Issa “personally and intentionally” shot his son “because of his sexual orientation.”  It is “alleged that the murder was committed because of the victim’s sexual orientation and because of the defendant’s perception of that status and the victims’ association with a person and a group of that status,” a statement from the district attorney’s office said.  Prosecutors said Issa had allegedly threatened to kill his son on prior occasions because he was gay, according to the D.A.’s statement.  Issa faces one count of willful, deliberate and premeditated murder. The investigation into his wife’s death is ongoing.  He is being held without bail. If convicted, he faces life in prison without the possibility of parole.