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Media Turning On Itself: USAToday's Wolff Slams CNN's Stelter As "Ridiculous, Self-Righteous Figure"

Amid the ever-increasing virtue-signaling fanaticism of the mainstream media in their incessant anti-Trump (so-called 'fact-checking') propaganda, it appears the infighting has begun. As The Hill reports, USA Today and Hollywood Reporter columnist Michael Wolff slammed CNN's Brian Stelter on his media affairs program Sunday, telling the host he was becoming "quite a ridiculous figure."

With mainstream media credibility at record lows, The Hill points out that Wolff accused Stelter, in a recent Newsweek column, of delivering "a pious sermon about [Donald] Trump’s perfidiousness and nursing personal grudges."

The 31-year-old "Reliable Sources" host asked Wolff if his style or substance was wrong in attempting to "fact-check the president."

And then the fireworks began...

"I think it is, and I mean this with truly no disrespect, but I think you can border on being sort of quite a ridiculous figure. It is not a good look, to repeatedly and self-righteously defend your own self-interest. The media should not be the story every week."


"Every week in this religious sense, you make it the story," Wolff added. "We are not the story."


"Isn't there room for one hour a week on CNN for this?" Stelter asked.


"Listen, I love your show, but I wish every weekend you did not turn to the camera and lecture America about the virtues of the media and everyone trying to attack it. The media will be fine," Wolff  replied.


"The media doesn't need defending?" Stelter followed.


"The media doesn't need defending by the media," Wolff responded. "The New York Times front page looks like it's 1938 in Germany every day."


"No it does not. Give me a break," retorted Stelter.
