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Monsanto GMO Chemical Found To Kill Human Embryo Cells

Research from Canada proves that Monsanto’s Bt-toxin kills human embryo cells despite Monsanto’s claims that they are “safe”.  Bt toxins are common in GMO crops such as corn, soy, wheat, and others, called called Cry1Ab. This lethal chemical can potentially kidney cells of developing human fetuses, and when Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac are combined with RoundUp they can delay apoptosis of human cancer cells. In other words, they can cause cancer. reports: What’s worse,glyphosate, the main ingredient in RoundUp, also causes necrosis – i.e. the death of human tissue, and this happens even when the substance is found in much smaller amounts than what is currently being used on our agricultural crops. The stuff is still carcinogenic in the parts per trillion range. In its rush to remain the ‘agricultural leader’ of the world, the US government erected defunct regulatory bodies that have no means to truly examine the ramifications of biotechnology on our food. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a joke and the FDA gave Monsanto an indefinite hall pass to cause mayhem on the food supply. More people need to file lawsuits against this company until they are without one red cent to continue poisoning the planet and killing our unborn babies. The [...]