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Mormons Warn The Apocalypse Is Coming This Wednesday

A Mormon cult from southern Utah believe that this Wednesday, April 6th is the day of the Apocalypse.  Coincidentally it’s also the day that their leader, Lyle Jeffs, appears before a judge in a major fraud case. As he appears before the judge an earthquake will cause the walls of a Texas prison to crumble and Lyle’s brother, Warren Jeffs (a Mormon ‘Prophet’ and supreme leader) will walk free. This is despite the fact that Jeffs is currently serving a life sentence for having sex with underage girls as young as 12. reports: By divine coincidence, perhaps, Wednesday is 6 April, the date most Mormons – and the outlawed, rejected offshoot sect of that religion known as the Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints (FLDS) – proclaim is the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. “I am hearing from people inside the FLDS that on April 6 there is going to be a kind of apocalypse,” said Elissa Wall, who escaped from the repressive FLDS community after being forced by Warren Jeffs to marry her cousin when she was just 14. “It is prophesied.” Thus far, however, the only signs of apocalypse have been the series of criminal and civil cases that have hit [...]