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NATO Paved The Way For ISIS To Take Palmyra

American author Daniel Lazare blames American action and inaction for the capture of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra last year, which was liberated recently by the Syrian Arab Army. Washington and its allies in the Middle East funneled arms to terror groups such as Daesh and al-Qaeda and later sat back and watched as Palmyra fell into the hands of their favorite Islamists. Western leaders and allies blamed president Assad for their shortcomings, repeating the mantra “Assad must go” while Palmyra was being beheaded and pulverized by terrorists. The west’s deafening silence after the liberation of the culturally significant city situated at the end of the ancient silk road says it all. The new mantra now is: “Assad should have stayed and defended Palmyra.” Sputnik reports: While Western media pundits are trying to pin the blame for the ongoing turmoil in Syria on Bashar al-Assad, they remain silent about the role Washington and NATO played in funneling military aid into the hands of Sunni extremists in the region, American author Daniel Lazare remarks in his article for To illustrate his point, Lazare refers to the liberation of Palmyra by the Syrian Arab Army with the assistance of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The American author writes that instead of praising Bashar al-Assad for Palmyra’s recapture, some Western [...]