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Syrian Arab Army

The Ultimate In Irony: Syrian Army Rolls Into Idlib With US Weapons Captured From ISIS

The Ultimate In Irony: Syrian Army Rolls Into Idlib With US Weapons Captured From ISIS

Authored by Leith Fadel and Andrew Illingworth of Al-Masdar News,

The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) Tiger Forces arrived in northern Hama this week with a big surprise from their previous operations in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. Units from the Tiger Forces were seen armed with US-manufactured weapons that were seized from the Islamic State (ISIS) during the two month long battle in Deir Ezzor.

Nobody Knows What's Happening In Syria, But Everyone Is Bombing It Anyway

Nobody Knows What's Happening In Syria, But Everyone Is Bombing It Anyway

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

On Wednesday, the Syrian Arab Army made the staggering claim that a recent U.S.-led airstrike on an ISIS chemical cache has killed “hundreds,” including large numbers of civilians. This alleged strike was unrelated to claims made about the chemical weapons attack in Idlib last week.

NATO Paved The Way For ISIS To Take Palmyra

American author Daniel Lazare blames American action and inaction for the capture of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra last year, which was liberated recently by the Syrian Arab Army. Washington and its allies in the Middle East funneled arms to terror groups such as Daesh and al-Qaeda and later sat back and watched as Palmyra fell into the hands of their favorite Islamists. Western leaders and allies blamed president Assad for their shortcomings, repeating the mantra “Assad must go” while Palmyra was being beheaded and pulverized by terrorists.

Washington Wants To Capture Raqqa To Break Up Syria

The US-led coalition is competing with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in a race to reach and liberate Raqqa from ISIS. Should the SAA fail to liberate Raqqa from the terrorists then Syria could be permanently broken up, with the help of a U.S. led coalition that includes Kurdish, Turkish, Saudi and western agendas. Sputnik reports: Over the last few days, the 555th Brigade of the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Mechanized Division, backed by pro-government militias, has continued to gain ground in northeast Syria. It has moved toward the Al-Raqqa Governorate’s strategic Tabaqa Military Airport.