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NATO & Saudi Arabia To Discuss Troop Deployment To Syria

NATO and Saudi Arabia are set to discuss Riyadh’s proposal for troop deployment to Syria under the pretext of fighting ISIS, according to reports. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have all expressed their readiness to send ground troops to Syria as part of the US led coalition. Press TV reports: Saudi media quoted NATO sources as saying on Monday that Saudi Defense Minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is scheduled to attend the Western military alliance’s meetings in Brussels this week to hold talks on Riyadh’s plan for ground intervention into Syria. The meetings will be attended by member states of the US-led coalition purportedly striking Daesh positions. The participants are also slated to exchange views on the performance of the 34-strong coalition formed by the Saudi regime last December with the declared aim of fighting “global terrorism,” according to Saudi Arabia’s news 24 website. Last week, military officials in Saudi Arabia announced that kingdom is ready to send ground troops to Syria if the US-led coalition, which claims to be targeting terrorists in Syria, decides to start such operations. Although swiftly welcomed by allies like the United States, the proposal was met with huge criticism from Syria [...]