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New Footage Of ‘Man In Hat’ Brussels Terror Suspect

Belgian anti- terror police have released new footage of the third suspect in last months Brussels terror attacks. The Mirror reports: The suspect – who is believed to have discarded his suicide bomb after it failed to detonate – is seen walking away from the carnage before ditching his jacket in a bid to escape detection. The chilling footage has been released by Belgian anti-terror police at a news conference today. Brussels was hit by suicide bombings at the airport and on the Metro which killed 32 victims and wounded 270. The attacks were claimed by the Islamic State group. The man caught on CCTV at Brussels Airport alongside Ibrahim and fellow suicide bomber Najim Laachraoui remains at large. The suspect had the largest bomb but failed to detonate it before fleeing the airport in the aftermath of the blasts. Briton David Dixon, 50, who was originally from Hartlepool but was living in the Belgian capital, died in the Metro bombing and the Foreign Office said that seven British nationals were injured in the attacks. Ibrahim El Bakraoui, 29, blew himself up in the departures hall of Brussels Airport – where 17 people were killed in two explosions. His brother [...]