Nicole Kidman has had contracts cancelled by two Hollywood studios and has been warned by “famous liberal celebrities” to “steer clear of the Oscars“, according to a source at Creative Artists Agency in Los Angeles. Kidman has also received threatening letters telling her to “go back where you came from” sent by intolerant liberals, despite the fact she was born in Hawaii and holds dual US-Australian citizenship. Why all the hate? Because on January 10th, Nicole Kidman, a Hollywood A-lister, dared to go against the Hollywood agenda and told an interviewer that “we need to support whoever is the president”. Sounds like a reasonable statement in a democracy. But then the backlash began. A few days later, mainstream media decided to mobilize against her and began reporting that Kidman exhibited “bizarre behavior” during the Golden Globes … despite the fact the awards show had taken place a week ago and was no longer in the news cycle. Make no mistake, free speech is under attack by the mainstream media and Hollywood. And they are using underhand methods Vigilant citizen reports: There is something seriously wrong with mass media and today’s political climate. Censorship is sharply on the rise. Character assassination is [...]
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