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Norway Is Kidnapping Children Legally & People Are Furious

A group of activists from over 30 different countries are planning mass protests over Norway’s legal “kidnapping” of children Demonstrations against the Norwegian Child Welfare Service are taking place on Saturday in what the activists call the agency’s practice of “kidnapping” children from their families. According to The Local: After a wave of demonstrations over the past several months, the Norwegian Child Welfare Service (Barnevernet) will be the subject of a coordinated ‘day of action’ that could draw as many as 300,000 people, organizers told The Local. Spurred by a high-profile case in which five children were removed from their Norwegian/Romanian parents’ care by Barnevernet in November, Norway’s child welfare service will be the subject of protests by those who say the agency “kidnaps” children. On Saturday, coordinated demonstrations will be held worldwide, including at five locations in Norway. “Protests will be held in 70 cities in 29 countries and more than 300,000 people worldwide are expected,” said Czech MEP Tomáš Zdechovský, a leading voice in the Barnevernet protests. The protests will be broadcast live by Romanian media outlets and organizers say they are aiming to set a world record as the “largest protest against human rights abuse towards children [...]