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‘Nothing Is Off The Table’ In Response To Iran’s Missile Test Says Trump

US president Donald Trump said today that ‘nothing is off the table’ in terms of a response to Iran’s recent ballistic missile test. Trump’s comment was made in reply to a question by a reporter about whether he would consider military options in response to the missile test which Iran has said is an “inalienable and absolute” right of the Islamic Republic in order to defend its security and national interests. Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn put Iran on “notice” yesterday and today the White House said it would be responding to the missile test. Backing up President Trump’s aggressive posture toward Tehran, Senior U.S. congressional Republicans said they would support new sanctions on Iran. Press TV reports: The White House also said Thursday it would respond to Iran’s ballistic missile test. “We will have further updates for you on those additional actions, but clearly (Flynn) warned to make sure that Iran understood that they are on notice that this is not going unresponded to,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters. The remarks about Iran by the new Republican president echoes the warnings made repeatedly by former President George W. Bush who on several occasions said he would [...]

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