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Obama Official Lands At Russian Military Base, Warns Of World War 3

Russia have reported that US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, made an unexpected visit to a Russian Military airbase recently, demanding to urgently speak to President Putin about the coming “world war 3″.  Nuland had just left Vilnius International Airport in Lithuania aboard her US military aircraft after her meeting with that nations Foreign Minister, Lazar Comanescu, when this unplanned incident occurred. Putin declined to meet with the Assistant Secretary of State, but did send top aide Vladislav Surkov to meet with her. reports: Initial reports from Federal Security Service (FSB) Special Forces agents assigned to protecting President Putin and his residences, this report says, describe Assistant Secretary Nuland upon her landing and being escorted to Pionersky as being in a “highly agitated” mental state appearing to be “near/close to a breakdown” and giving expletive filled warnings that “War is coming! War is coming!” and alleging thatRussia had “broken its promise” and “now the whole world will pay”. As to what “promise” Russia had broken this report doesn’t say, but this reports language appears to indicate that Assistant Secretary Nuland doesn’t know either as she continually referred to President Putin as “your fucking tsar” instead [...]