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Obama Pushes Anti-Gun Law Before He Leaves Office

Barack Obama is making a desperate final attempt to push through a strict anti-gun law before he leaves office in January.  Just one week before Christmas the outgoing President sent the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty to the US Senate to be ratified. reports: It’s sure to be dead on arrival because of the Senate’s stand against the ATT, but he is just demonstrating his utter contempt for America, the Constitution and the Second Amendment. Obama has been frustrated at every turn when it comes to his attacks on the Second Amendment, and when he has been beat back, he throws a temper tantrum like a little child. While he said he would focus this last year on pushing more gun confiscation measures, he has been kept in check. In a recent CNN interview, Obama admitted that his failure to enact gun control was the “one area where I feel that I’ve been most frustrated.”  As he should be frustrated. Gun Owners of America Communications Director Erich Pratt is calling on the Trump administration to “unsign” the ATT. Pratt laments, “I’m sure that you’re already aware that the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) would attack the Second Amendment in many ways.  Most [...]

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