Every year a penguin swims 5,000 miles to be reunited with his dear friend, the man who saved his life five years ago. The South American Magellanic penguin swims the journey annually to meet with a retired bricklayer and part-time fisherman, Joao Pereira de Souza, who lives on an island outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Back in 2011 Joao found the penguin covered in oil and near death on his local beach. He cleaned the oil off the penguin’s feathers and fed him a daily diet of fish and called his new friend Dindim Metro.co.uk reports: After a week, he tried to release the penguin back into the sea. But, the bird wouldn’t leave. ‘He stayed with me for 11 months and then, just after he changed his coat with new feathers, he disappeared,’ Joao recalls. And, just a few months later, Dindim was back. He spotted the fisherman on the beach one day and followed him home. For the past five years, Dindim has spent eight months of the year with Joao and is believed to spend the rest of the time breeding off the coast of Argentina and Chile. It’s thought he swims up to 5,000 miles each [...]