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Police: Prince Was Murdered

Police have reportedly launched a murder investigation into Prince’s death with insiders believing it is ‘extremely likely’ the star was killed in eerily similar circumstances to Michael Jackson. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED Detectives are looking into whether Prince was over-prescribed pharmaceutical drugs as a way of causing his death. They have put a crack team of investigators in place and are refusing to rule out a criminal homicide charge. ‘He was definitely killed, we just have to find out who did it,’ said a police insider. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES CONFIRMED His heirs decided to cremate him the day after his death. What are they hiding? His final Instagram post, published a week before his death, contained the message “Just When You Thought You Were Safe“. Was this message a reference to the record industry hell hounds on his tail, an enemy he had spent his life fighting? To make matters even more suspicious, the caption on this Instagram post was mysteriously deleted after his death. A few days before his death, at his last public appearance, Prince told fans to ‘Wait a few days before you waste your prayers.’ These sound like the words of someone who knew the Illuminati record industry [...]