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Polish Study Confirms Risk From Vaccines Far Greater Than Benefits

A Polish study conducted in 2012 confirms what many have been saying for a long time, that the risks from vaccines far outweigh any of their perceived benefits. Scientists at the Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation at the Medical University of Bialystok compared a typical childhood vaccination schedule in Poland with those of other countries around the world. They then evaluated the adverse effects associated with the administration of multiple vaccines as well as how individual vaccines affect immunological development and responses. The study was published in the journal Progressive Health Sciences News Target reports: Chemical preservatives, adjuvants and other common vaccine additives were also taken into consideration, and careful attention was given to post-vaccination reactions to vaccines containing these ingredients. More than 70 scientific studies on these aspects were evaluated as part of the review. “Reports in many Polish and foreign medical journals lead us to conclude that postvaccinal complications among children can be observed in sporadic cases and that they are disproportionate to the benefits of vaccination in the elimination of dangerous diseases in childhood,” explains the study. Risks vs. benefits: Vaccines aren’t really worth it After looking at the historical data, Dorota Sienkiewicz and her colleagues determined that [...]