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Politicians Exempt Themselves From “Snoopers Charter” Laws

UK members of Parliament and other politicians have exempted themselves from Britain’s draconian new spying laws. The Investigatory Powers Act better known as the ‘snoopers charter’ which has just been passed into law, brings some of the most extreme and invasive surveillance powers ever given to spies in a democratic state. However, members of Parliament, Lords, members of the devolved regional parliaments or members of the European Parliament have been given protections against those spying powers. They can only be spied on if the Prime Minister, Theresa May personally approves it The Independent reports: Most of the strongest powers in the new law require that those using them must be given a warrant. That applies to people wanting to see someone’s full internet browsing history, for instance, which is one of the things that will be collected under the new law. For most people, that warrant can be issued by a secretary of state. Applications are sent to senior ministers who can then approve either a targeted interception warrant or a targeted examination warrant, depending on what information the agency applying for the warrant – which could be anyone from a huge range of organisations – wants to see. But [...]

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