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Pro-Brexit Leader Jokes "Keep Sending Obama Over" After Surge In Polls

Who could have seen this coming? Having told the British public in so many words, "Vote No To Brexit, Vote Yes To Undemocratic Superstate!" it appears President Obama's unwanted presence in the UK-EU Referendum debate has backfired beautifully. As FreeBeacon reports, Arron Banks, the British entrepreneur leading a grassroots effort to leave the European Union urges Americans to "keep sending Obama over," as 'Brexit' odds have risen above plunging 'Bremain' odds since the President paid a visit to the Queeen.



Brexit leaders are thrilled President Barack Obama came out against them, because they are seeing a bounce in the polls.

“I think it’s hugely important geopolitically because the European Union is developing into a kind of United States of Europe, and that’s something the British are naturally pretty anti,” Arron Banks told the Washington Free Beacon. “And it’s really come down to the point where most of our laws are now being made in Brussels—65 percent. Our ultimate court is in France and we’ve got open borders to 500 million people. So clearly immigration is a massive issue, it’s not dissimilar to a lot of the stuff they are discussing with Trump, in the sense of [how] some of these issues resonate.”

Banks said the American equivalent of being in the European Union would make Congress in Toronto, the Supreme Court in Havana while having a completely open border to Mexico.

Banks criticized Obama for his recent trip to London, where he threatened that leaving the European Union would cause the U.K. to “be in the back of the queue,” in terms of trade. The phrase led many to speculate the president was given talking points from Prime Minister David Cameron.

“He basically said if you leave the European Union you’ll go to the back of the trade queue,” Banks said. “Number one, we don’t particularly like being threatened in our home doorstep. Number two, everyone was slightly confused why he used the word queue and not line. It led to a lot of discussion whether he had just been given it to read. So I think he was briefed obviously by the British government, and it was a favor.”

“But since his appearance polls have actually gone in the other direction,” Banks added. “We need to hear more from him, really. Send him back for another go, we’d be delighted to see him again.”

Banks is optimistic about the referendum vote, despite close polling, because core supporters of Brexit tend to be more energized. A new poll following Obama’s visit saw Brexit gaining support over the Remain campaign, 51 to 49 percent.  The Free Beacon asked Banks what Americans can do if they are sympathetic to his cause.

“Keep sending Obama over,” he said.