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Putin Declares War On Zionist Media

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the public that there is an information war going on at the moment, and says that for the past two years the Zionist media controlled by the West has done its best to demonize him to the public.  Responding to a 2014 Telegraph article entitled, “Europe should punish Vladimir Putin, not the City of London,” Putin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said: “They say that Russia has a bad public image. Do you know who else now has a bad image – the United States. We are currently in a state of information warfare with the trend-setters in the information space, most notably with the Anglo-Saxons, their media.” reports: Peskov is far more logical than his enemies and detractors here. He moves on to say: “Look at the pressure on our media in some European countries. I’m not talking about the states that recently joined the EU, like the Baltic States with their strong anti-Russian sentiment. It’s a different story, time heals all the wounds. “Now, take the Brits. They put a lot of pressure on RT for [the channel’s] editorial policy – that actually amounts to nothing but indirect censorship. We constantly come under fire for [...]