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Reddit Caught Censoring Posts Using The Term “Rothschild”

It's the latest chapter of the long, documented saga of Reddit censorship against various forms of political speech over the past several years. In a humorous development, Reddit's admin team has been caught censoring posts using the term "Rothschild."

Users on pro-Trump subreddit r/the_donald began noticing the censorship several days ago after a humorous tweet from Lynn de Rothschild on February 21st, 2017 lampooned John Podesta for his work managing Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election campaign. A test conducted by Disobedient Media on February 23rd has confirmed that Reddit is indeed censoring content referencing the name of the famous banking family.

A sample post referencing the term was immediately archived after submission. Despite being posted "just now" or under one minute prior, the archive revealed that a filter on Reddit had removed the text of the post and hidden it from the "new" section of r/the_donald. The original post and the text can be seen here:

When the account which made the post is logged in, the original text still appears in the body as if the post was not censored. This means that a user might not immediately notice that their posting had been removed.

It is not known at this time why Reddit is censoring posts referencing the Rothschild family name.