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Rise In Homelessness Is Proof UK At The ‘Mercy Of Housing Crisis’

The homeless crisis in the UK continues to grow with shocking new government figures showing that homelessness has rocketed in England since 2010. Data analyzed by homelessness charity Shelter show that 56,600 people accepted as homeless by councils in 2015 was 33% higher than in 2010. RT reports: The charity says that people losing their privately-rented homes is the single biggest cause of the crisis. Last year alone, around 17,000 families reportedly became homeless after being evicted from privately-rented homes. Shortage of housing, rising rents and shrinking housing benefit support are the root causes of rising homelessness: — Shelter (@Shelter) March 24, 2016 Shelter’s analysis, published on Wednesday, also found that the number of homeless families forced to live in emergency B&B’s and hostels has gone up by over 100 percent since 2010. Shelter helps millions of people across the UK each year who find themselves destitute or forced to live in temporary accommodation. The group’s Chief Executive Campbell Robb said Britain is gripped by a severe housing crisis. “The devastating rise in homelessness revealed by today’s figures provides unquestionable proof this country is once again at the mercy of a housing crisis,” he said. “As the number of [...]