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Robotic Workforce Will Destroy Middle Class, Creating Civil War

Within the next few years highly advanced robots are going to obliterate America’s middle class by replacing tens of millions of jobs, creating widespread social unrest and a possible civil war.  According to Mike Adams, corporations are already preparing for a robotic workforce. A robotic crop production facility already uses robots to produce 30,000 heads of fresh lettuce every day. reports: As robotic systems become more capable in the coming years, nearly all low-wage labor jobs will be taken over by affordable, reliable robotics systems. Even in a well educated society, employers grow weary of the behavioral traits of human workers (showing up stoned or drunk, stealing from the workplace, harassing other employees, etc.). But now it’s even worse: Thanks to Common Core and the mind-numbing watering down of the entire U.S. public education system, many U.S. employee candidates are too stupid to handle any job that requires real thinking. That means they’re only good for labor jobs, and labor jobs are about to become obsolete. Before long, we’re going to see a massive wave of human workers being displaced by capable robots. As this unfolds, the unemployment masses will eventually rise up against what they see as “injustice,” [...]