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Ron Paul Says Neocons Are Warmongers

Libertarian Ron Paul from the Voice of Liberty believes that the Neocons are warmongers. The former presidential nominee and two-time Republican presidential candidate is very impressed with the way the U.S. administration dealt with the Iran/US sailors crisis, and gives Iran credit for releasing the captured US sailors in just one day. Dr. Paul shows signs of sympathy for the Iranian predicament of finding itself besieged by terror and future threats of war and terror. In the latest Liberty report, Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss the neoconservative collective outrage surrounding the incident and why they seem to be angry that diplomacy was so effective. (Scroll down for video)   Voice of Liberty reports: Before asking McAdams about his thoughts on why the sailors were released so promptly, Ron Paul suggested people should be praising both the Obama Administration and the Iranians for resolving this matter without putting lives in danger. He said: “You’d think most people would say ‘hey, you know? This is pretty good! We don’t have to have a war over this, we don’t have to threaten, we don’t have to intimidate, we don’t have to bomb anybody, and it seems that it’s been resolved.’” Unfortunately, that wasn’t the [...]