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Ron Paul: US Democracy Is Dead

Former presidential candidate Ron Paul has said that democracy in the U.S. is effectively dead, saying that having to choose between Trump and Clinton amounts to no real choice. Speaking on MCNBC’s “Morning Joe” show, Ron Paul said “This country, we do not really have democracy. I mean, even if we were really, really super happy with the Libertarian candidate, you think they’d get into the debates? No, the debates are run by the Republicans and Democrats“. reports: Republicans and Democrats would “find a way of excluding them,” Paul said, and it would not likely happen “unless you’re a billionaire and can put enough pressure, and the media capitulate and say, hey, maybe we ought to talk to a third-party candidate.” “Overall, foreign policy won’t change with either party in a significant manner. Spending is going to continue. Government intervention of the Federal Reserve is going to keep manipulating interest rates, and never facing up to the fact that this country has lived way beyond its means. And the debt is incomprehensible and all we know is it’s going to grow and grow,” said Paul, who mounted an unsuccessful bid for the GOP nomination in 2012. “And I think the [...]