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Russia To Fly Surveillance Missions Over U.S. Airspace

A treaty loophole allows the Russian Air-force to fly surveillance missions over U.S. airspace. Russia is planning to ask the Open Skies Consultative Commission on Monday for permission to fly spy jets equipped with powerful high-tech cameras over U.S. skies. Daily Express reports: The planes have powerful digital cameras, which officials worry could be used to help Moscow gather sensitive intelligence. Russia is allowed to send surveillance jets over the US under the Open Skies Treaty, which allows 34 countries to conduct unarmed observation flights. The aim of the 2002 treaty is to increase transparency about military activity and help monitor arms control. However, US military and intelligence officials claim they fear Russia is taking advantage of the loophole. Commander of the US Strategic Command, Cecil Haney, said: “The treaty has become a critical component of Russia’s intelligence collection capability directed at the United States. “In addition to overflying military installations, Russian Open Skies flights can overfly and collect on Department of Defence and national security or national critical infrastructure.” Former assistant secretary of state for the bureau of arms control, Steve Rademaker, told Congress that Russia has adopted a series of measures that are inconsistent with the treaty. Undersecretary of state [...]