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Russia Says ‘Foreign Interference’ To Blame For Coup In Brazil

The CIA has an extensive record of carrying out covert operations around the globe which are aimed at destabilizing governments that refuse to comply with U.S. interests. On Thursday Michel Temer became the acting president in Brazil after a soft coup saw President Rousseff suspended. WikiLeaks has exposed the newly ‘selected’ interim president as having been an intelligence informant for the United States….so it looks like Brazil is back in Washington’s clutches The Russian Foreign Ministry spoke out against the efforts to oust Rousseff and had also pinned the move on “foreign interference.”   Telesur reports: “For Russia, Brazil is an important foreign partner in Latin America and the world,” added Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. Russia and Brazil have an important relationship and are members of the influential BRICS group. A 2015 document, reported in various Russian news agencies, addressed the possibility of U.S. intelligence agency involvement in the parliamentary coup against President Dilma Rousseff. “It is quite possible that the CIA is involved in the plan to stage riots in Brazil nationwide,” the Russian news outlets said in a 2015 report. One article by Pravda explains that over the past few years, BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and [...]