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Russian TV Crew Films Turkish Military Build Up On Syrian Border

A Russian TV channel has obtained footage which shows an increased Turkish military presence on the Syrian border. The REN-TV crew reported that the lodgments are heavily fortified by tanks and self-propelled guns which are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish city of Kobane This follows a series of cross-border shelling attacks by Turkish forces against Kurdish positions in Syria. RT reports: Shells and other ammunition are being delivered to the Turkish positions, which are shelling Kurdish forces in Syrian territory, according to the report. “The barrels of the tanks and self-propelled guns are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish Syrian city of Kobane,” the journalist said. There were at least six or seven tanks in the area and the Turkish forces on the border can be deployed in Syria “in an instant,” according to REN-TV. Meanwhile, the area appeared to be very active, as Turkey continued to transport various supplies to the border. The REN-TV journalists spoke to the mostly Kurdish locals, who openly accused Turkey of being “friends” with the Islamic State fighters that had earlier raided nearby houses. The extremist fighters took the most expensive things from the homes, including “money and jewelry,” [...]