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Sandy Hook Judge Orders Killers Files To Be Made ‘Top Secret’

A Superior Court Judge has ruled that documents seized from the home of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza will remain sealed, meaning that the public and media will never get a chance to find out what they contain.  Judge Carl J. Schuman overturned a ruling by the state Freedom of Information Commission ordering the release of the records. reports: Schuman concluded that state statutes requiring the return of seized property supersede the state’s open-records law and shield such records from disclosure. The Freedom of Information Act, he ruled, does not apply to “documents that were private property before seizure by the police and that a court would ordinarily order returned to the rightful owner by the end of a criminal case.” The case involved dozens of documents seized by police from the home Lanza share with his mother, including handwritten notes, a spiral-bound book written by Lanza titled “The Big Book of Granny” that contained violent themes, and a spreadsheet maintained by Lanza detailing mass murders, including the name of the killer, the number of victims killed and injured, and the weapons used. The Courant requested the records from the state police, and filed a complaint with the Freedom [...]