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Storm Of ‘Biblical Proportions’ To Strike California

The mother of all storms is set to hit California in the near future, with large sections of the State at risk of severe flooding, according to the National Weather Service. According to scientists, the recent bout of storms across the West coast of America are just a precursor to a much bigger storm that will be of “biblical proportions” compared to recent weather. Recent research has shown that every 200 years for the past 2,000 years or more, California has experienced massive floods that have swept through the state causing thousands of deaths. reports: The most recent was a series of storms that lasted for a near-biblical 43 days between 1861 and 1862, creating a vast lake where California’s Central Valley had been. Floodwaters drowned thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of cattle, and forced the state’s government to move from Sacramento to San Francisco. More than 150 years have passed since California’s last, great flood — and a team of researchers with the US Geological Survey have predicted what kind of damage a similar flood would cause today. Their simulation, called the ARkStorm, anticipates that a stretch of the Central Valley 300 miles long by 20 miles wide would [...]

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