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Study Finds Cold and Flu Drugs Shrink The Brain And Lowers IQ

Scientists have announced that commonly used cold and flu medications, purchased over-the-counter, may cause memory loss, a decline in IQ and a shrinking of the brain.  According to a new study, popular medications used to treat colds, flu, hay fever, allergies, and heartburn all contain anti-cholinergic drugs – which can negatively alter the brain in the person taking them, with effects lasting up to a month after being used. Medications such as Zantac, Night Nurse and Nytol are among a huge list of drugs that may result in adverse reactions. reports: The drugs block the chemical acetylcholine, which is involved in the transmission of electrical impulses between nerve cells. The treatments are prescribed for a wide range of conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, overactive bladder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, nausea and vomiting, sleeping problems, high blood pressure, depression and psychosis. But the authors warn: ‘Use of AC [anti-cholinergic] medication among older adults should likely be discouraged if alternative therapies are available.’ Previous studies have linked the drugs with cognitive impairment, increased risk of dementia and falls. However, the new study by Indiana University School of Medicine, is the first to explore their impact on brain metabolism and atrophy through brain [...]