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Study links Splenda (Sucralose) To Leukemia

An Italian study has linked the artificial sweetener Sucralose, sold as Splenda, to higher risks for leukemia. Researchers say that people should not be using the artificial sweetener, warning of an increased risk for leukemia, as well as an overall risk for cancer. UPI reports: Scientists found Splenda significantly increased the risk for leukemia, as well as other cancers, research that is in line with other studies in recent years. Splenda, or sucralose, was introduced in 1999 as an alternative to other artificial sweeteners shown to cause health issues, as well as to sugar, which is linked to increased risk for many conditions. Most studies, including those done by the sweetener’s manufacturer, have not shown it can cause cancer. In 2013, food advocates downgraded Splenda from “safe” to “caution” because of a previous study conducted at the Ramazzini Institute, which also conducted the new one. “And even if you consume less, that doesn’t mean there’s no problem,” Lisa Lefferts, a scientist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, told “When something causes cancer at high doses, it generally causes cancer at lower doses, the risk is just smaller.” For the new study, published in the International Journal [...]