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Survey: Scotland Is Not Religious

New research indicates that two thirds of Scots never attend Church or other religious services except for social reasons. The figure, which is the highest ever recorded, is the latest evidence that Scotland is now an overwhelmingly secular country. The majority are free from religion and show a lack of ideas and feelings towards belief, but maintain them for the daily mysteries of life. The Sunday Herald Scotland reports: However, authoritative research for the highly respected Scottish Social Attitudes survey also found that nearly half of the population still identifies with one faith or another. Only 52 per cent of those questioned for the survey by the ScotCen Social Research team said they had “no religion” while 66 per cent they “never or practically never” attended religious services apart from events like weddings, christenings or funerals. Ian Montagu, Researcher at ScotCen, said “Today’s findings show that Scottish commitment to religion, both in terms of our willingness to say we belong to a religion and to attend religious services, is in decline. “However, this change doesn’t appear to be affecting all religions equally. “Affiliation with the Church of Scotland is in decline while levels of identification with other religions remain relatively unchanged. [...]