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Syria Slams Deployment Of US Troops As Blatant Aggression

Syria has strongly condemned the United States for the deployment of troops on its soil, saying that the move amounts to aggression and a gross violation of national sovereignty. Russian media revealed on Wednesday that the first batch of US army personnel, including 150 soldiers and officers, had arrived safely to the Kurdish controlled Rumeilan Military Airport in Syrian territory. Press TV reports: A Syrian Foreign Ministry official on Thursday called the reported deployment of 150 US troops to Rumeilan airport east of Syria as “an unacceptable and illegal intervention” which came without authorization from the Syrian government. “We received with great concern the reports about the entry of 150 American soldiers to the Syrian territory of Rumeilan,” said the official, adding, “The Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns this blatant aggression, which represents a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty.” The official said the deployment clearly violated the territorial integrity of Syria and ran contrary to internationally recognized norms and conventions. He called for governments and responsible bodies to take action against the US move. In its biggest expansion of ground forces in Syria since the beginning of the conflict in the country in 2011, US President Barack Obama announced Tuesday that 250 special [...]