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Syrian MiG-21 Jet Downed In Hama, Pilot Shot Dead

A Syrian Air Force MiG-21 was downed near a military airfield in Hama Governorate. Armed Islamic State militants shot and killed the pilot. Sputnik reports: Syrian Air Force MiG-21 has been downed by armed militants near a military airfield in western Hama Governorate, a military source told Sputnik. The pilot had been shot dead from the ground while parachuting, according to the source. “A Syrian warplane MiG-21 was shot down near the Hama military airfield,” the source said. The pilot was able to eject but died when militants opened fire at him. “The militants shot at the pilot while he was parachuting to the ground. This led to his death,” the source added. This week, the Hama Governorate has seen clashes between the Syrian government troops and militants from the two main terrorist groups operating in Syria – Islamic State (Daesh) and the al-Qaeda linked Nusra Front. Neither of the two terrorist groups is part to the ongoing cessation of hostilities in Syria, which was brokered by the United States and Russia two weeks ago. The truce has largely held, despite reports of sporadic violations. A Syrian Air Force pilot with his MiG-21- file photo