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Ted Cruz illustrates how to use a dead American for propaganda


"The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism."-Murray N. Rothbard

Sen. Cruz: Our Thoughts and Prayers Are With The Family of Taylor ForceMarch 9, 2016  |  202-228-7561

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released the following statement regarding recent terrorist attacks in Israel:

"Earlier this week, Palestinian terrorists continued their brutal campaign of violence against civilians in Israel. Among the victims of these heinous attacks is Taylor Force, an American from Lubbock, Texas, who was murdered.

"Taylor was a graduate student at Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management, who was visiting Israel on a school trip. A courageous young man, Taylor was an Eagle Scout, and after graduating from West Point served as a field artillery officer in the US Army at Fort Hood, Texas. He deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and served multiple tours in defense of our country.

"The murder of Taylor Force is grim evidence that the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism targets Americans and Israelis indiscriminately.  Our alliance with Israel must remain unshakable as we face this vicious threat together.

"Heidi joins me in sending our thoughts and prayers to Taylor's family, and for all those injured in these attacks, we wish a full and complete recovery."

Let's take Senator Cruz's important message point by point...

Earlier this week, Palestinian terrorists continued their brutal campaign of violence against civilians in Israel.

Believe that the Palestinians are the brutal terrorists.  The Israeli civilians are the victims of violence.


Among the victims of these heinous attacks is Taylor Force, an American from Lubbock, Texas, who was murdered.

Believe that Taylor Force is an innocent murder victim, not a casualty of war.

Taylor was a graduate student at Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management, who was visiting Israel on a school trip. A courageous young man, Taylor was an Eagle Scout, and after graduating from West Point served as a field artillery officer in the US Army at Fort Hood, Texas. He deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and served multiple tours in defense of our country.

Believe that while courageously shelling people in Iraq and Afghanistan, Force was defending the United States of America.

793,663 killed in Iraq since US Occupation

Since the 2003 American invasion, the figure breaks down to about 15,000 violent deaths a month.The second study by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health uses samples of casualties from Iraqi households to estimate an overall figure of 601,027 Iraqis dead from violence between March 2003 and July 2006.

Afghanistan War. Artillery in Afghanistan. M777 and M119 Howitzers Direct Fire At Taliban Positions

About 92,000 people have been killed in the Afghanistan war since 2001. More than 26,000 of those killed have been civilians. Nearly 100,000 people have been injured since 2001.

The murder of Taylor Force is grim evidence that the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism targets Americans and Israelis indiscriminately.

Believe that one Palestinian citizen in his homeland stabbing an American veteran of two wars against Muslims is indiscriminate murder. 

Believe that the Israeli shelling of Palestinian cities is not indiscriminate murder.

Believe that the use of cluster munitions by US artillery in Iraq and Afghanistan is not indiscriminate murder.  US Artillery supports invasion of Iraq: The 108 rounds fired on Feb. 22 were of M26 Rockets (each containing 644 sub-munitions of grenade-sized cluster bombs).

Believe that US artillery and airstrikes against hospitals, schools, and weddings are not indiscriminate.

Our alliance with Israel must remain unshakable as we face this vicious threat together.

Believe that there exists an unshakeable alliance between Israel and the USA. 

Believe that muslim terrorism is a viscious threat, and believe that we must face it together.

Regardless of the fact that Five Israelis were arrested by the NYPD on 9-11 for filming and celebrating the attacks on the WTC and driving around in a van that tested positive for explosives.  These were admitted Mossad agents working undercover in the USA.

Heidi joins me in sending our thoughts and prayers to Taylor's family, and for all those injured in these attacks, we wish a full and complete recovery.

Believe that Senator Cruz' wife, Heidi, is a thoughtful, prayerful, woman, and not just a very wealthy investment banker for Goldman Sachs.


I invite you to please read the book Propaganda, by Edward Bernays, the first step in my article, hedgeless_horseman's Revolutionary Call to Arms.
