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Tony Blair: Islam Is Incompatible With Modern World

Former British Prime Minister and Peace Envoy to the Middle East, Tony Blair, has said that millions of Muslims hold a viewpoint that is “fundamentally incompatible with the modern world.” In an interview he predicted bigger and more terrifying attacks from ISIL than the ones carried out in Brussels this week, and a need to revisit Iraq and the region to directly confront the Islamic State terrorists on the ground. Most leaders of the Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL with their defiant extreme ideologies had at some point been guests at one of  the western coalition forces’ notorious prison camps before their sudden rise to fame and notoriety, both for their brutality and military prowess and their unique interpretation of Islam. The man responsible for the chain of horrific events unfolding in the Middle East that has spread worldwide, now has the audacity to say “many millions” of Muslims living today are incompatible with the modern world. A trail of evidence following his words and actions makes one wonder maybe he held the same view point in the past that led to the suffering and killing of Millions of Muslims in Iraq and the surrounding areas. Tony Blair’s invasion of Iraq was based on lies and poodling [...]