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The Trump Litany

Leader: Donald Trump used to be a Democrat.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump is the spoiled child of a rich man.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump has failed in business many, many times.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump viciously exploits those who work for him.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump created a “university” that was a massive scam.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump won’t denounce the Ku Klux Klan.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump verbally abuses women.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump verbally abuses everyone else.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump has almost no discernible policy stances.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump says he will do things he can’t possibly do.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump is a serial liar.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump has no discernible religious or moral commitments.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump has the emotional stability of a toddler.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump knows nothing about how the government works.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

Leader: Donald Trump is the least qualified man ever to run for President.
Congregation: Trump voters don’t care.

All: Amen.