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Trump May Be Correct: CNN's Latest Immigration Poll Includes Aggressive "Oversample"

In a mini tweet storm released earlier this morning, President Trump blasted the "negative polls" of "fake news" outlets "CNN, ABC and NBC" after a couple of polls from the weekend seemingly revealed that the American people largely opposed his executive order on immigration. 


So, we decided to take a look at the latest such poll from CNN and "shockingly" found that Trump kind of has a point.  For some reason, CNN/ORC simply can't seem to conduct a poll where the distribution of respondents mirrors the actual distribution of registered voters in the U.S.  As you can see below, in the latest "oversample" farce, CNN decided that filling it's poll with Democrats was becoming way too obvious and, as such, just decided that 45% of registered voters are suddenly independent.  From the polling methodology:

A total of 1,002 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones. Among the entire sample, 29% described themselves as Democrats, 25% described themselves as Republicans, and 45% described themselves as independents or members of another party.

Of course, as we've pointed out multiple times, actual voter registration numbers are no where near CNN/ORC's latest distribution.


But, at least CNN was able to engineer its desired result with 53% of their respondents saying they oppose Trump's travel ban.


Meanwhile, 55% of the respondents in CNN's "rigged poll" seem to view Trump's immigration executive order as a "Muslim ban."


Of course, as we've noted before, only 12.5% of the world's Muslims live in the seven countries on Trump's immigration ban list...


But those are just facts so who cares?