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Trump: Muslim Brotherhood Are A Terrorist Organization

President Trump has added the Muslim Brotherhood to an official list of foreign terrorist organizations held by the State Department and Treasury.  The controversial move comes after National Security Adviser Michael Flynn recommended that Trump give the group a terrorist designation. reports: In Congress, a bill to add the Muslim Brotherhood to the official terrorist list was introduced this month by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL). Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson denounced the MB as an “agent of radical Islam” during his confirmation hearings, but he has not made public statements regarding adding them to the foreign terrorist organization list. However, other Trump advisers, and members of the intelligence and law-enforcement communities, argue the Brotherhood has “evolved peacefully in some countries,” Reuters claims. They also expressed the pragmatic concern that going hard on the Muslim Brotherhood could complicate diplomatic relations with nations such as Turkey. It would unquestionably, however, please such U.S. allies as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, although there have been signs the Saudis might be softening on the Brotherhood as they search for allies against ISIS and Iran. One official familiar with the State Department’s deliberations conceded that the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology [...]

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