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Trump Team Tell Clinton Not To Blame Fake News For Loss

Donald Trumps transition team have criticized claims by Hillary Clinton that she lost the election due to the “epidemic of fake news” prior to the election day. Clinton called on Congress to take action against the “epidemic of malicious fake news” and propaganda on social media during a speech on Capital Hill on Thursday. It was the second public appearance since suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of Trump in the election. Other Democrats, including President Barack Obama, have also argued that the Democratic nominee lost the presidential election to Republican Trump because of the spread of fake news online against her. The problem with Clinton’s claims however, is that her own campaign led the way with the widespread use of  fake news that she now decries Press TV reports: For those on Clinton’s team who think it did, Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to Trump, told Fox News on Friday morning that “a little self-awareness would do for a team that is blaming everybody but themselves for this.” In a speech on Thursday at a ceremony for retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Clinton called on Congress to take action against the “epidemic of malicious fake news” [...]

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