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Trump: We Should Be Able To Open Up An ‘Apple’ For The FBI

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump is having a go at Apple Inc. a day after arguing with the Catholic Church. At a South Carolina rally on Friday, Trump said that people should “boycott Apple” unless the world’s largest information technology company and one of the biggest corporations in the world changes its ways and abides by a court order and opens up its iPhones to FBI scrutiny. The security services want to have a peak inside smart-phones to look for ‘terrorist’ phone numbers, relating to last year’s San Bernardino massacre. Their argument is that if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear. The Donald has nothing to hide and supports back-door intrusion into people’s privacy if they are not an Islamic terrorist. If they are an Islamic terrorist then the Donald has other solutions.   BGR reports: Earlier this week, Trump ripped Apple for refusing to comply with a court order mandating that it create software to disable its own passcode security protocols. “To think that Apple won’t allow us to get into her cellphone? Who do they think they are? No, we have to open it,” Trump told Fox and Friends on Wednesday. “I agree 100% with the courts. [...]