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UN Discovers Secret Illegal Detention Center In Sri Lanka

A secret detention center where serious human rights abuses took place have been discovered in Sri Lanka.  The center is said to exist within the Tricomalee Nava base in east Sri Lanka, after a June 2015 report by the International Truth and Justice Project, Sri Lanka (ITJPSL) released a 134-page report on on-going human rights violations and past cases in Sri Lanka. The report titled An Unfinished War: Torture and Sexual Violence in Sri Lanka 2009-2014 says that family members were not told the whereabouts of relatives being held at the facility. reports: Many of those held were either members or were connected to the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), that was crushed by government forces in May 2009 after over two and half decades of sectarian violence. “Witnesses described being detained in the Naval Dockyard site along with dozens of other people, however they said it was possible many more were held in the area that they were not aware of because the site was a large area under the control of naval intelligence and well hidden from outside view. The witnesses interviewed were detained here from the end of the war in 2009 for years,” the report said. Many [...]