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United States May Designate IRGC A Terrorist Group

President Trump’s administration is considering a proposal to label Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, according to U.S. officials. The IRGS are answerable to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei and play a highly capable part in Iran’s military. They wield considerable political and economic power and played a crucial role in defending Iran against Saddam Hussein’s aggression during the eighties. The IRGC and their affiliates were the first to utilize suicide bombers in the battlefields of the Iran- Iraq war (1980–88), except their suicide bombers were used to save their comrades lives by blowing up minefields and earning themselves a possible seat in heaven. US President Donald Trump is heading for a direct confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. It has been on the cards for decades, after Iran was accused of being involved in the 1983 bombing of a Marine compound in Beirut, the deadliest attack against US Marines since the battle over Iwo Jima in February 1945. There has been bad blood between the two nations and the IRGC is the ideal candidate for Muslim-terrorist hater President Trump. The Middle East and the Muslim world watches to see if Trump can walk [...]

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