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U.S. Army Soldiers Secure Crashed Spy Plane In Kurdish Iraq

A U.S. army surveillance aircraft crash landed in fields outside the town of Kawrgosk in northern Iraq and was immediately surrounded by American troops who came to its rescue. The crash happened on March 5 in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan and involved the army’s newest work in progress, an aircraft which is capable of accurately tracking surface targets in most weather conditions with near perfect accuracy. The manned spy plane uses multi-intelligence airborne intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (AISR) system and could be used by quick reaction teams and special forces on the battlefield. At the moment it is being put through its paces in Iraq as the army evaluates its capabilities while fighting ISIS. War is Boring reports: The apparent spy plane crashed after reportedly suffering a mechanic failure. Heavily-armed U.S. commandos rushed to the scene in helicopters to rescue the four-man crew and secure the area. No one was injured the accident. “The plane was flying very low and its propellers were not working,” an unnamed local resident told reporters from the Kurdish news network Rudaw. “American soldiers came soon afterwards and searched the area. They took away the passengers.” We know very little about the plane itself. Owing to [...]