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US Government Build Secret Base For ‘Man-eating Aliens’

The U.S. government has declassified and released files proving that a top-secret base for “human-eating aliens” is currently being constructed in New Mexico. According to files published by the United States Department of Agriculture, the construction of an alien base in the Tonto National Forest was corroborated by the US Forest Service and witnessed by officials in the area who gave a detailed account of what they saw. reports: An email was sent by the department to all rangers on December 30 2013, detailing the extraordinary encounter. The email said: “David received a call this morning at the front desk from a male caller reporting the construction of a secret government installation upstream from the Salt River Canyon past Pinal Creek (Upstream from Roosevelt Lake). “Aliens and at least one detached head are involved. “Caller claims to have seen construction cranes coming out the side of the cliffs, miniature stealth planes and UFOs, aliens and people working together at the site, aliens eating people. “He found a severed head and claims to have pictures of some of this stuff. “Caller reported that he is 60, not crazy and doesn’t do drugs. “He said he had already called the ‘office at the lake’, [...]

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