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Vaccine Victims Sue Government For $3 Billion

Vaccine recipients who have fallen ill after being vaccinated have successfully sued the government for over $3 billion dollars in recent years, according to CDC figures. However, big pharma companies responsible for manufacturing the vaccines have been given a free pass by the government, who have promised not to hold them liable for deaths and injuries suffered by members of the public. reports: n 1988, largely due to vaccine makers lobbying the government to alleviate their responsibility, The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was established. After an uptick in lawsuits in the late ’80s, the vaccine manufacturers essentially held the government hostage and threatened to stop making vaccines unless the government took on responsibility for vaccine injury lawsuits — and NVICP did just that. You can actually prove that you or your child were harmed from a vaccine yet the vaccine maker is completely shielded from liability. Even if you are awarded monetary compensation through the NVICP, the taxpayers are put on the line, NOT the vaccine makers. This removal of liability has created the incentive to turn out new vaccines with very little testing, as the companies don’t have to worry about financial hardships for injuring people, which in turn has shaped the [...]