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Violence Erupts Across France During May Day Demonstrations

Thousands of people across France took to the streets for the traditional May Day demonstrations on Sunday, but there was increased tension compared to previous years. Protesters clashed with riot police during at a May Day protest in Paris, held to demonstrate against labour reforms proposed by the French government and to commemorate International Worker’s Day. The French parliament is debating a bill that would allow longer working hours and let companies lay workers off more easily. The bill has prompted the most violent labour related protests in over a decade You tube video By RT   The Mail Online reports: By mid-afternoon gangs were already involved in fights with riot police in cities and towns across the country. In Paris, tear gas and batons were used against dozens of masked anarchists – who were apparently joined by students – close to the Place de la Bastille. ‘They corned officers against a wall and began pelting them with bricks and stones,’ said a police spokesman at the scene. The atmosphere is extremely tense, and we are prepared for more attacks on us as the march continues. There were five separate demonstrations being held in Paris, while others took place in [...]