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This Is What Obama Was Doing During The Democratic Debate

If you missed the third democratic debate, don't worry, you are not alone: the President himself had much more important pursuits to attend to when the potential successor from his party was laying out her (or his) ideological vision for the future of America.

As Politico reports:

On his first full day of his annual Christmas vacation in Hawaii, President Barack Obama was not tuned in to see the latest debate between those vying to become his Democratic successor.


Instead, the president spent much of the Democratic debate on the golf course more than 5,000 miles away.


According to pool reports, Obama played golf with Joe Paulsen, Mike Brush and Bobby Titcomb for more than four hours Saturday, departing Marine Corps Base Hawaii for his Kailua residence shortly before 5 p.m. Hawaiian time.

So for the benefit of Obama, and everyone else who prudently had better things to do on Saturday night, here is the punchline: Hillary Clinton said "everyone should love her", including corporate America. Here's The Hill: 

Presidential debate moderator David Muir of ABC on Saturday mentioned a Fortune Magazine cover during the 2008 election carrying the headline "Business loves Hillary," pointing out her support from many CEOs.


Asked whether, eight years later, corporate America should still love her, Clinton replied, "Everybody should." 

Judging by the hundreds of millions in donations (thanks Cheryl Mills) and "speaking fees" the Clintons have accumulated over the years, business clearly does "love Hillary." 

By the way, lest anyone should forget how much American taxpayers are shelling out so that Obama can play golf in Hawaii instead of watching the Democratic debate, here's what Sputnik said back in March: 

The Obama family’s 2014 Christmas vacation to Hawaii cost taxpayers more than $3.6 million in flight expenses alone, according to Air Force records obtained by Judicial Watch.


The president grew up in Hawaii, and Christmas there is an annual family tradition. The most recent trip marked the seventh consecutive time the Obamas have spent the holidays in Hawaii – the sixth as the first family. All told, those Christmas vacations have cost taxpayers $15.5 million just in transportation expenses, according to figures obtained by Judicial Watch over the past three years.

You can do the math yourself on last year's Hawaii excursion by adding up the flight time logged in the records of the first family’s Honolulu vacation and multiplying the total by the roughly $230,000/hour it costs to run Air Force One (documents embedded below).

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